59 Things You Should Know About your Cat by Alison Davies
With beautiful, bright gouache illustrations and little-known facts about our most mysterious feline companions, this is the perfect gift for all dedicated cat owners.
Often a confusing mixture of affectionate and aloof, one minute seeming completely disinterested in you and the next, following you around the house, how much do you really know about your cat? For example, we may think of them as discerning and fussy eaters, did you know that they have very few taste buds and no sweet tooth at all? Or that, like their owners, cats can be either left or right pawed? And, despite their reserved and dignified demeanour, they love nothing more than one of your smelly socks
Often a confusing mixture of affectionate and aloof, one minute seeming completely disinterested in you and the next, following you around the house, how much do you really know about your cat? For example, we may think of them as discerning and fussy eaters, did you know that they have very few taste buds and no sweet tooth at all? Or that, like their owners, cats can be either left or right pawed? And, despite their reserved and dignified demeanour, they love nothing more than one of your smelly socks